Monday, March 2, 2009

Trains Run On Rails

Trains run on rails. There is a set course for them to follow; not ad libbed or by accident, the destination was known before construction ever began. Perhaps there is some anticipation for the traveller on their first rail journey, a personality excited to follow in the works of those who have gone before them, to wonder what the surveyor and builder must have felt carving through the opposition of the landscape. Speed and efficiency are found on rails - a well traversed route of mechanical precision.

I have two legs (we're getting real deep here). Walking is my mode of transport through life. As a Transient, I frantically seek the speed of the rails, though in reality I'm more likely to be lost tackling a mountainside with bloodied shins. It's a wild attempt at adventure, but valid too. If you choose two legs and an unventured mountainscape, your experience will be vastly different to a train carriage. A decision is required of you at each step, each tree stump, fern, rock or stream to navigate onwards. And despite a terrain that can leave me ragged, nothing else would satisfy.

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